The European union civil protection and humanitarian aid mechanism response capacity consists of modules and assets which are contributed by the EU member states and by candidate states. These contributions are activated and coordinated by the ERCC of DG-ECHO following the request by an affected country. In preparation for future deployments of these modules and assets and with a view to foster interagency cooperation, the EU is funding regular exercises. In 2017 EMLab took part in a Modules Field Exercise in Sweden and in a Modules Tabletop Exercise in Belgium.
In 2018 EMLab again applied for the participation in a table-top exercise and was invited to participate in the Modules Table-Top Exercise (ModTTX 2) in Snekkertsen, Denmark, from 3rd to 7th of November 2018.
EMLab sent a team of two members to this exercise and further 12 modules/capacities participated including support teams, search and rescue teams, medical teams, engineers and communication teams. A scenario of an earthquake with aftershocks was presented and teams had to navigate and negotiate in a simulated and partially virtual disaster environment.
The exercise was organized by a consortium formed by THW (German Federal Agency for Technical Relief), DUZS (National Protection and Rescue Directorate of the Republic of Croatia), FPS Home Affairs (Federal Public Service Home Affairs), DGCP (Directorate-General for Civil Protection), URSZR (The Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief), DEMA (Danish Emergency Management Agency) and ENSOSP (Ecole Nationale Superieure des Officiers de Sapeurs Pompiers of France).